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петак, 25. септембар 2020.



We were at a party
His earlobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a rock lobster,rock lobster ...

We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towles
Somebody went under a dock
And then they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster,rock lobster...

Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble,lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S'in a giant clam
Rock,rock,rock lobster

Lobster rock,lobster rock
Let's rock!

Boy's in bikinis
Girls in surfboards
Everyboy's rockin',everybody's fruggin'

Twistin' 'round the fire
Havin' fun
Bakin' potatoes,Bakin' in the sun

Put on your noseguard
Put on the Lifeguard
Pass the tanning butter

Here comes a stingray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jelly fish
There goes a dog fish
Chased by a cat fish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhal
Here comes a bikini whale!

Rock lobster,rock lobster...

Upečatljivo,bizarno igrivo,neverovatno zarazno,zabavno,čudno...Farfisa i surf gitara posećaju na šezdesete ali na nov,new wave način.

среда, 23. септембар 2020.

ANYTIME,ANYPLACE,ANYWHERE : (My Baby Got Run Over By A) Steamroller


 My baby got run over by a steamroller
My baby got run over by a steamroller

She thought i had left her
But i could never do that
Now it's too late to tell her

My baby got run over by a steamroller
My baby got run over by a steamroller

She was my only baby
She used to drive me crazy
Now it's too late to save her

My baby got run over by a steamroller
My baby got run over by a steamroller

I didn't get the number
As she was going under
It was a case of hit and run

My baby got run over by a steamroller...

     Tjah,bizaran tekst ali je meni ova pesma dozlaboga zabavna.

понедељак, 21. септембар 2020.



     Shriekback su 1981,osnovali klavijaturista Barry Andrews (ex-XTC) i basista Dave Allen (ex-Gang Of Four).
     Uz gitaristu Carl Marsha oni su spojili funk i rock sa jedinstvenim i kompleksnim ritmovima koji dolaze iz rane škole indie rocka osamdesetih (Cabaret Voltaire,Gang Of Four) i zahvaljujući kome su asketski,neurotični funk pretvorili u subverzivnu muzičku predstavu.
     Izmedju 1981 i 1988,snimili su šest albuma na kojima su predstavili svoj iseckani,eksperimentalni art-funk u ne baš jasnim političkim tonovima a onda su se raspali.
     Band se ponovo okupio radi Američke turneje 1992,ali je,nažalost,tada njihova konstantna frenetična uvrnutost postala pomalo dosadna.
Natural History  (Essential,1994)

   ...in coms

недеља, 20. септембар 2020.

Bow Wow Wow


     Bow Wow Wow su nastali pošto su Leigh Gorman,Dave Barbarossa i Matthew Ashman napustili Adam & The Ants i obratili se ex-Pistols menadžeru Malcolm McLarenu.McLaren je otkrio mladjanu Myant Myant Aye u Jednoj perionici veša,prekrstio je u Annabella Lwin,postavio je ispred mikrofona i kompletirao postavu Bow Wow Wow.
     Band je momentalno privukao pažnju svojim jedinstvenim zvukom-Duane Eddy gitara preko 'tribal' bubnjeva.1981 izdaju prvi album,'See Jungle!See Jungle!Go Join Your Gang,Yeah!City All Over!Go Ape Crazy!'.Omot albuma je privukao više pažnje (ipak je McLaren lisac) od muzičkog sadržaja jer se na njemu nalazila prerada Manetove slike 'Doručak na travi' sa nagom Annabellom koja je tada imala 15 godina.
     1982,band realizuje nekoliko EPa,od kojih njihova obrada 'I Want Candy' postiže veliki uspeh na top listama.1983,snimaju drugi album,'When The Going Gets Tough,The Tough Get Going'.Uprkos solidnoj prodji singla 'Do You Wanna Hold Me' i pojavljivanju na Američkoj televiziji,ovaj pre-producirani,'umiveni' album je razočarao stare ljubitelje Bow Wow Wow i grupa se raspala.
     Annabella je započela solo karijeru,ostvarivši skroman uspeh sa Peggy Lee coverom 'Fever',1986.Muški deo banda je osnovao novu grupu Chiefs Of Relief.
     Ashman je preminuo 1995 od dijabetesa a ostatak banda se okupio ponovo 1998 da bi snimili remix najvećih hitova.
     Lwin živi u Los Angelesu i povremeno nastupa uživo sa novom verzijom Bow Wow Wow.
Girl Bites Dog-Your Compact Disc Pet  (EMI,1993)

See Jungle!See Jungle...  (RCA,1981)

When The Tough Gets Going...  (RCA,1983)

Fever  (RCA,1986)


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петак, 18. септембар 2020.


I hear a gang fire on a human factory farm
Are they howling out or doing somebody harm
On a catwalk jungle somebody grabbed my arm
A voice spoke so cold it matched the weapon in her palm
This is England
This knife of Sheffield steel
This is England
This is how we feel
Time on his hands freezing in those clothes
He won't go for the carrot
They beat him by the pole
Some sunny day confronted by his soul
He's out at sea, too far off, he can't go home
This is England
What we're supposed to die for
This is England
And we're never gonna cry no more
Black shadow of the Vincent
Falls on a Triumph line
I got my motorcycle jacket
But I'm walking all the time
South Atlantic wind blows
Ice from a dying creed
I see no glory
When will we be free
This is England
We can chain you to the rail
This is England
We can kill you in a jail
The British boots go kick them
Got 'em in the head
Police ain't watchin'
The newspapers been read
Who cares to protest
A (???) in the eye like a flare
Out came the batons and
The British warned themselves
This is England
The land of (il)legal dances
This is England
Land of a thousand stances
This is England
This knife of Sheffield steel
This is England
This is how we feel
This is England


Poslednja velika Clash pesma!

четвртак, 17. септембар 2020.


They say love can move a mountain
Love's gonna bring down trees
Well it's on this that i'm counting
'Cause for your heart

I found the keys keys
Yeah the keys to your heart heart
Yes i got them on a chain chain
When the doors come apart part
We'll never be the same same

I used to be a teenage drug-taker
I used to hate the taste of cheese
I was gonna be an undertaker
'Till for your heart

I found the keys keys...

I never used to look in the mirror
In case of what i might see
But now i think that i look like a killer
'Cause for your heart
I found the keys keys...

Now you know i can crack the lock
It's no use shaking at the knees
I don't even have to knock
'Cause for your heart
I found the keys keys...

     Najbolja pesma koju su 101'ers snimili,ima sličan zvuk kao 'Gloria' Van Morrisona,a to je numera kojom je band završavao svoje nastupe.Može se reći da je ovo prilično standardna numera za pozni pub-rock,ali se meni oduvek dopadala.

понедељак, 14. септембар 2020.

Little Heroes

     Little Heroes su osnovani 1980 u Melbourneu nakon raspada pub rock grupe Secret Police.Iste godine osvajaju drugo mesto na takmičenju 'Battle Of The Sounds',što je rezultovalo ugovorom sa Giant Records i istoimenim debi albumom,kojim nisu bili zadovoljni ni članovi Little Heroes a ni publika u Australiji.
     Stvari se popravljaju 1982,sa singlom 'One Perfect Day',koga je pratio izuzetan album,'Play By Numbers'.
     Kreativno jezgro banda je bio pevač/gitarista/kompozitor Roger Hart,koji je muzičku karijeru započeo sredinom sedamdesetih u bandu Cruisers sa bubnjarem John Lloydom (kasnije u Flowers) i gitaristom Chris Dysonom (kasnije u Paul Kelly & The Dots).
     Little Heroes su od samog svog početka promenili nekoliko postava,sa Hartom kao jedinim preostalim od originalne postave.
     Nakon albuma 'Watch The World'(1983) band je prestao sa radom.Hart se više nije bavio muzikom;postao je pisac i meditacioni trener.

Little Heroes  (Giant,1981)

Play By Numbers  (EMI,1982)

Watch The World  (EMI,1983)

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субота, 12. септембар 2020.


Saw you walking down the street with your brand new bo
Now's there's something you might know
It's a dirty dog don't mean no good and leave you out in the cold
Lies and cheats
That's what i've been told

You're getting in too deep
Love before you leave
Put him out of your mind
Put him out of your mind

Oh i could do so much for you and always be around
I'll treat you right not like that earl crown
Cause he is the one who make you blind,leading you a stray
But i'm the one to help you find the way

You're getting in too deep
Love before you leave
Put him out of your mind...

Now all is fair in love and war so the people say
Keep you cool he only wants to play
You better watch out be on your guard
Or get your fingers burned
What a spill of girls who never learned

   'Put Him Out Of Your Mind' je relaksacija u bilo koje vreme,na bilo kojem mestu.Skinuta sa albuma 'Let It Roll' predstavlja Feelgood u starom,poznatom boogie raspoloženju.

четвртак, 10. септембар 2020.


     Charlie Terrell je Američki (rodjen u Alabami,živi u Texasu) vizuelni umetnik,slikar,pisac i muzičar.Krajem osamdesetih dolazi u Los Angeles gde sa svojim bandom,koji se zvao Terrell (o,gle čuda) uspeva da ostvari dogovor sa velikim izdavačem Giant/WB i snimi veoma dobro ocenjen album 'On The Wings Of Dirty Angels',1990.Lične nesuglasice i prilično loše sreće (ukraden kombi sa opremom) rezultirali su raspadom grupe i Charlievim prekidom bavljenja muzikom.Vratio se 1995,odličnim albumom 'Angry Southern Gentleman',koga je pratio još bolji 'Beautiful Side Of Madness',1996.Na žalost albumi nisu postigli veliki komercijalni uspeh pa je Terrell (bez Charlie) nastavio samizdatim albumom '3 Links In A Broken Chain'(2000) i multimedijalnim pozorišnim komadom 'Taking The Jesus Pill',2009.
     Od 2010 nastupa u novoj inkarnaciji kao bluesy roots rocker Charlie Terrell sa pratećim bandom The Murdered Johns u kojem svira i poznati rockabilly gitarista Danny B.Harvey.

On The Wings Of Dirty Angels  (Giant,1990)

Angry Southern Gentleman  (Pointblank,1995)

Beautiful Side Of Madness  (Pointblabk,1996)

...in coms

уторак, 8. септембар 2020.


     Howe Gelb je osnovao davne 1981,Giant Sand,country,roots,noise i 'šta još sve ne' rock band u Arizoni.Joey Burns i John Convertino su ritam sekcija Giant Sand a zajedno su ostvarili zapaženu karijeru sa Calexico,americana/desert rock(indie bandom.Lisa Germano je počela kao violinistkinja u pratećem bandu John Millencampa,da bi,sredinom devedesetih,postigla zapažen uspeh (kod kritike ali ne i komercijalni) serijom slowcore/dream pop albuma za 4AD.
     E sad,kad ubacimo ethereal ludilo Germanove medju roots-meets-indie slojeve Giant Sand,dobijemo OP8.čije je jedino ostvarenje album 'Slush'(1997).Album je postigao slab komercijalan uspeh,ali je izuzetno hvaljen kod kritike zbog atipičnog i eksperimentalnog pristupa pesmama.

Slush  (Thirsty Ear,1997)

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понедељак, 7. септембар 2020.

Angels Of Light

     Angels Of Light su Američki neofolk band i osnovao ih je,1998,Michael Gira pošto je raspustio Swans.Band je krenuo potpuno drugačijim stilom (melodičnije i manje brutalno) od Swans.
     Prve live nastupe su održali kao 'Michael Gira With Guests',da bi Gira nazvao novi projekat Pleasure Seekers.Zbog istoimene grupe iz šezdesetih,menjaju ime u Angels Of Light.
     Konstantno promenjiva ekipa muzičara uljučuje mnoga poznata imena,kao što su Kid Congo Powers (Gun Club,Cramps),Bliss Blood (Moonlighters),Thor Harris (Shearwater),Phil Puleo (Cop Shoot Cop),Devendra Banhart...Na albumima '...Songs Other People' i 'We Are Him',Giru prati Brooklynski eksperimentalni folk band Akron/Family.
     2010,Gira je ponovo pokrenuo Swans.

New Mother  (Young God,1999)

How I Loved You  (Young God,2001)

Everything Is Good Here/Please Come Home  (Young God,2003)

The Angels Of Light Sing 'Other People'  (Young God,2005)

We Are Him  (Young God,2007)

...in coms

недеља, 6. септембар 2020.


This and that, they must be the same
What is legal is just what's real
What I'm given to understand
Is exactly what I steal
I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I was shocked to find what was allowed
I didn't lose myself in the crowd

Shot by both sides
On the run to the outside of everything
Shot by both sides
They must have come to a secret understanding

New offenses always in my nerves
They're taking my time by force
They all sound the same when they scream
As a matter of course

I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I was shocked to find what was allowed
I didn't lose myself in the crowd

Shot by both sides
On the run to the outside of everything
Shot by both sides
They must have come to a secret understanding

Why are you so edgy Kid?
Asks the man with the voice
One thing follows another
You live and learn, you have no choice

I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I was shocked to find what was allowed
I didn't lose myself in the crowd

I didn't lose myself to the crowd
I didn't lose myself to the crowd
I was shocked to find what was allowed
I didn't lose myself in the crowd
But I wormed my way
But I wormed my way...

Shot by both sides
I don't ask who's doing the shooting
Shot by both sides
We must have come to a secret understanding

Howard Devoto uvodi prog-rock u punk!Himna za sve one koji se s' vremena na vreme osećaju progonjenim.

субота, 5. септембар 2020.


She's a model and she's looking good
I'd like to take her home that's understood
She plays hard to get,she smiles from time to time
It only takes a camera to change her mind

She's going out tonight but drinking just champagne
And she has been checking nearly all the man
She's playing her game and you can hear them say
She's looking good,for beauty we will pay

She's posing for consumer products now and then
For every camera she gives the best she can
I saw her on the cover of a magazine
Now,she's a big success,i want to meet her again

     Kraftwerk kritika potrošačkog društva koje svodi ženu na bezimeni automat.Prototip modernog pop zvuka,'The Model' pokazuje da i elektronika može biti emotivna.

среда, 2. септембар 2020.

Screaming Seagull Kiss Her Kiss Her

     Screaming Seagull Kiss Her Kiss Her je Japanski alternativni rock band.Ime su dobili po pesmi sa XTC albuma 'The Big Express'.Band su 1992 osnovale Aiha Higurashi i Ito Sachiko.1994,Ito napušta band a postavu dopunjuju Nao i Takape.Grupa postaje poznata po svom indie i lo-fi zvuku i bili su prilično popularni na Japanskoj alternativnoj sceni tokom devedesetih.2002,Aiha raspušta band da bi se fokusirala na svoju solističku karijeru.2014,Screaming Seagull Kiss Her Kiss Her ponovo nastupaju,sada kao šestorka,a 2015 su objavili i album,'Eternal Adolescence'.

Seagull To Hell  (Trumpet Trumpet,1993)

Swallow Up  (Cardinal,1994)

Fly  (Polystar,1996)

Give Them Back To Me  (Hate It,Damn It!,1996)

It's Brand New  (Polystar,1997)

17  (Polystar,1998)

Pretty In Pink  (Polystar,1999)

No!No!No!  (Polystar,2000)

Future Or No Future  (Polystar,2001)

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Daphne Guinness

       Tokom svoje karijere Daphne se bavuila raznim stvarima: glumica, filmski producent, dizajner, pevačica...Što se muzike tiče, mentor j...