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понедељак, 12. октобар 2020.



Young love,teacher's pet
Cheeks flushed,apple red
Ringing you every day
Begging for a word of praise
I've put aside my foolish games
I run and hide and call names
School's out,the bells'll ring
Now's the time to teach me everything

Teacher,teacher teach me love
I can't learn it fast enough
Teacher,teacher teach me more
I've got to learn to love for sure

Lesson one,just begun
Growing up.ain't much fun
Grown up,out of school
Out of luck and out of rules
No one there to tell me how
A different world,teacher,teacher,teach me now

Teacher,teacher,teach me love...

Lesson two,nothing new
I can't love,just passing through
the books i read don't understand
What it means to be a man
I need a woman just like you
Teacher,teacher teach me what to do

Teacher,Teacher,teach me love...

   Ludački zarazna pesma sa predivnim gitarskim radom Billy Bremnera na zvečećem Rickenbackeru ispod Edmundsove oštre solaže.

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