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недеља, 1. новембар 2020.



Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision
ATV equals 3/40 time
A equals action, T equals time
V equals vision and the four boys crack
In ATV, V, V, V, V

Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision
Quarter notes don't mean a thing
Listen to the rhythm, listen to us sing
We're in action and the four boys crack

Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision

Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision
Everything's as clear as time
See the movement, see the mime
We're in vision and the four boys crack
In ATV, V, V, V, V, V, V
Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision

''Those three words,'action,time,vision' really seem to capture people's imaginations.I wish i got royalties for the use of those three words!'' - izjavio je Mark Perry,osnivač ATV i fanzina Sniffin' Glue o singlu koji je zauvek promenio izgled i zvuk punka.

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