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петак, 20. новембар 2020.



Two dozen other dirty lovers
Must be a sucker for it
Cry cry but i don't need my mother
Just hold my hand while i come to a decision on it

Sooner or later
Your legs give away,you hit the ground
Save it for later
Don't run away and let me down
Sooner or later
You hit the deck,you get found out
Save it for later
Don't run away and let me down
You let me down

Black air and seven seas are rotten through
But what can you do?
I don't know how i'm meant to act with all of you lot
Sometimes you don't try
Just now now now now...

Sooner or later
Your legs give away,you hit the ground...

Two dozen other stupid reasons
Why we should suffer for this
Don't bother trying to explain them
Just hold my hand while i come to a decision on it

Sooner or later
Your legs give away,you hit the ground...

'Save It For Latter' je napisao Dave Wakeling još na početku karijere Beat (ili English Beat),ali ju je,shodno naslovu,sačuvao sve do trećeg albuma,'Special Beat Service'.Uz 'Mirror In The Bathroom' to je svakako najpoznatija pesma banda.'Mirror..' je svojevremeno bio veći hit,ali je 'Save It For Later' (pevljiva,harmonična,sa suptlnim gudačima i odličnim vokalom),čini mi se,bolje podnela test vremena.

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Miharu Koshi

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