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уторак, 22. децембар 2020.



Mission is a gambler
The wager,the one card to play
Priest has this burden
He,thinks,the right thing,to say
Amid all the honour
He sees,the working one,to share
Since chils is an angel
The duty,the one card prepare
(Come and play circus games
Come and play at circus games)

Jury is a ganbler
The wager,the one card to play
Judge has this burden
He tells,the wrong one,to pay
Amid all the honour
He puts,the wrong one,to trial
Since child is an angel
No jury,but one card,so vile
(Come and play circus games
Come and play at circus games)

Mother is a gambler
The wager,the one card to play
Birth has this burden
She says,no children,today
Midst all dishonour
She sees a heavenly noose
Since child is an angel
The mother,the one child,set loose

Come and play circus games
Come and play at circus games

   Žestoke rock gitare podstiču pulsirajuće synthesizere.Uvod me (prilično) podseća na 'Cleveland Rocks',Ian Huntera ali nemam sa tim problem.Tekst govori o ljudima koji prave greške a sledeće generacije za to plaćaju,pa otuda i simpatičan dečiji hor u refrenu.

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Miharu Koshi

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