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среда, 22. децембар 2021.



When he said:'You are full of love'
She fell down into this dirty mess
Some people see me laugh and tell us,
'It's wrong to make fun of me'

She fell down into this mess
(Even then they don't give)
(Try,try to fall)
She fell down and he's so sick of it all
And of me

This part not out of her saw fit to drop
Whispers might prove it all
(You're just closer to me when you fall,but you broke)
This would prove it all
(You're just closer to me,but you broke)
This would prove it all
Sleep now
You susur,try to talk
Reach out for that hand

Reach out for that hand
(And even they don't give any more)
(Try,try to fall)
Even then they don't give
(Try,try to fall)
You just closer to me at the fall
But you don't want,want me hand
You're just close to me
But you don't want,want my hand

     Magična kreacija Škotskog trija.Neposredni pop na način Cocteau Twins.Elisabeth Fraser treperi poput vile u fantasy romanu.Muzika nekog drugog (i drugačijeg) sveta.Cocteau Twins donose bekstvo u očaravajuću zvučnu dimenziju.Glas Fraserove se kovitla oko 'medenih' Guthrievih gitara i hipnotičkih perkusija poput duha koga nosi vetar.Njen vokalni stil je fascinantan.Reči zvuče onako kako ona želi,čineći ih nerelevantnim u uhu slušaoca.Uz Cocteau Twins mistično i nepoznato postaje normalno i razumljivo.

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Miharu Koshi

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