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среда, 20. новембар 2024.

LAND OF THE FREE: Ten Foot Pole, Tender Fury, Unwound


Rev  (Epitaph,1994) - Ten Foot Pole got its start back in the 80’s in the Oxnard hardcore (Nardcore) scene under the Scared Straight moniker with releases on the infamous Mystic Records, and cross-country touring with the likes of NOFX and Ill Repute. They then shed their name for the more fun Ten Foot Pole just in time for the 1994 underground hit album ‘Rev’ on Epitaph Records and they haven’t really slowed down since.

Garden Of Evil  (Triple X,1989) - Tender Fury was an American hard rock and punk rock band from Long Beach, CA formed in 1987 and active until their disbandment in 1993. Jack Grisham and Todd Barnes of T.S.O.L. were founding members of Tender Fury, and while Barnes was only active through 1990, Grisham remained the original founding member throughout the band's lifetime. Other prominent members of the band included Robbie Allen, Hunt Sales, Randy Bradbury, Josh Freese, and Frank Agnew.

The Future Of What  (Kill Rock Stars,1995) - Pacific Northwest post-hardcore rockers of the 1990s who infused traditional pop rock with furious noise, angular riffs, and avant sensibilities.

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  1. https://mega.nz/file/tUN0RCja#uKI-Ly_dISPc7Vc-wWLUfqlZccB4hGlVo_3PajmHqD4


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