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субота, 25. јул 2020.


Take me now,baby,here as i am
Pull me close,try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire i breath
Love is a banquet on which we feed

Come on now try and understand
The way i feel when i'm in your hands
Take my hand come undercover
They can't hurt you now
Can't hurt you now,can't hurt you now

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust

Have i doubt when i'm alone
Love is a ring,a telephone
Love is an angel disguised as lust
Here in our bed until the morning comes

Come on now try and understand
The way i feel under your command
Take my hand as the sun descends
They can't touch you now
Can't touch you now,can't touch you now

Because the night belongs to lovers
   Because the night belongs to lust

With love we sleep
With doubt the vicious circle
Turn and burns
Without you i cannot live
Forgive,the yearning burning
I believe it's time to real to feel
So touch me now,touch me now,touch me now

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because tonight there are two lovers
If we believe in the night we trust
Because the night belongs to lovers
                                                                                                              Because the night belongs to lust

     Bruce Springsteen je radio na albumu 'Darkness On The Edge Of The Town',kada je napisao kostur pesme 'Because The Night':imao je strukturu i refren.Jimmy Iovine ga je ubedio da dopusti Patti Smith da dovrši pesmu.Springsteen je uvek isticao zadovoljstvo zbog umešanosti Patti Smith:''The song would have never seen the light of the day,much less been the song that it is if it wasn't for Patti working on it.So thank you Patti!''.
     Posle laganog i senzualnog uvoda,Patti vokalno izražava bes snažne žene koja je donela odluku da više neće čekati (naravno,Fred 'Sonic' Smitha).Bubnjevi bučno grme i kao da kažu:ponekad je čekanje nepodnošljivo.A onda,telefon zvoni,Fred se javlja i dugo iščekivanje se pretvara u veliko seksualno uzbudjenje.
     Springsteen razmišlja,Patti se bori!

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