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недеља, 23. август 2020.

ANYTIME,ANYPLACE,ANYWHERE : (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

 I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get me no satisfaction
And i try,and i try,and i t-t-t-try
I can't get no
I can't get me no

When i'm riding in my car
And a man comes on a radio
He's tellin' me mora and more
About some useless information
Supposed to fire my imagination
I can't get no,no,no,no
Hey,hey,hey,that's what i say
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get me no girly action

When i'm watchin' my TV
And a man comes on to tell me
How white my shirts could be
But it can't be a man 'cause h does not smoke
same cigarettes as me
I can't get no,no,no,no
Hey,hey,hey,that's what i say

And when i'm flying 'round the world
And i'm doin' this and i'm tryin' do that
And i'm trying to make some girl
Who tells me:'Baby,baby,baby
Baby,better come back later next week''
Can't you see i'm on a losing streak
I can't get no,no,no,no
Hey,hey,hey,that's what i say

I can't get no (satisfaction)
I can't get me no (satisfaction)
Well,i can't get no (satisfaction)

     Robotska funk verzija Jagger/Richards klasika.Originalno,drugačije,uvrnuto...Richardsov čuveni riff je nestao,uostalom kao i gotovo kompletna melodija.Apsolutno originalno tumačenje jedne od najvećih rock himni.Priča se,da je i sam Jagger bio oduševljen Devo verzijom.

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