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недеља, 30. август 2020.


I,i will be the king
And you,you will be the queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them,just for one day
We can be heroes,just for one day

And you,you can be mean
And i,i'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers,and that is the fact
Yes,we're lovers,and that is that

Though nothing will keep us together
We could steal time,just for one day
We can be heroes,forever and ever
What d'you say?

I,i wish you could swim
Like the dolphins,Like dolphins can swim

Though nothing,nothing will keep us together
We can beat them,forever and ever
Oh,we can be heroes,just for one day

   Posle burnog boravka u LA,Bowie se našao u Berlinu na oporavku (detoksikaciji),gde je,inspirisan,promatranjem dvoje zaljubljenih pored Berlinskog Zida,napisao ovu pesmu.Najstrastvenija Bowieva pesma,koja je napisana za samo šest minuta i sadrži izvanredan synth rad Enoa i gitaru Robert Frippa.

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