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субота, 3. октобар 2020.


At home he feels like a tourist
At home he feels like a tourist
He fills his head with culture
He gives himself an ulcer
He fills his head with culture
He gives himself an ulcer
Down on the disco floor
They make their profits
From the things they sell
To help you cover
And the rubbers you hide
In your top left pocket
At home she's looking for interest
At home she's looking for interest
She said she was ambitious
So she accepts the process
She said she was ambitious
So she accepts the process
Down on the disco floor
They make their profits
From the things they sell
To help you cob off
And the rubbers you hide
In your top left pocket
Two steps forward
(Six steps back)
(Six steps back)
Small steps for him
(Big jump for me)
(Big jump for me)

   Dub bas,ubistveni bubnjevi,gitara zatvorena u svoj mali stonalni svet,ledeni,prezriv vokal koji se ruga bezumnom potrošačkom društvu...Na neki način agresivno neprijatna pesma ali u njoj je toliko energije i strasti da joj se ne može odoleti.

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Miharu Koshi

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