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недеља, 8. новембар 2020.




Back in '68 in a sweaty club (Oh Geno)
Before Jimmy's Machine and the Rocksteady Rub (Oh Geno)
On a night when flowers didn't suit my shoes
After a week of flunkin' and bunkin' school
The lowest head in the crowd that night
Just practicin' steps and keepin' outta the fights

Academic inspiration,you gave me none
But you were Michael the lover
The fighter that won
But now just look at me as i'm looking down at you
No,i'm not bein' flash,it's what i'm built to do

That man took the stage,his towel was swingin' high (Oh Geno)
This man was my bombers,my Dexy's,my high (Oh Geno)
How the crowd,they all hailed you,and chanted your name
But they never knew like we knew
Me and you were the same
And now,you're all over,your song is so tame,brrr
You fed me,you bred me,i'll remember your name

Academic inspiration,you gave me none...

Oh Geno (Oh Geno)...

Nije prvi put da je posrnuli punk u osamdesetim izrodio nešto novo,drugačije i kreativno.Numera je inspirisana jednim neinspirativnim koncertom Geno Washingtona,kome je Kevin Rowland,tada petnaestogodišnjak,prisustvovao.Sa pumpajućom duvačkom sekcijom i navijačko/horskim refrenom,'Geno' je totalni opozit tada preovladjujućem hladnom,synth zvuku i prvi #1 za dexy's.

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Miharu Koshi

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