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петак, 6. новембар 2020.



I know it's out of fashion
And a trifle uncool
But i can't help it
I'm a romantic fool
It's a habit of mine
To watch the sun go down
On Echo Beach
I watch the sun go down

From nine to five,i have to spent my time at work
My job is very boring,i'm an office clerk
The only thing that halps me pass the time away
Is knowing i'll be back at Echo Beach someday

Oh silent summer evenings
The sky's alive with lights
A building in the distance
Surrealistic sight
On Echo Beach
There's not a soul around

From nine to five,i have spent my time at work...

Echo Beach,far away in time
Echo Beach,far away in time...

   Ne postoji ništa što mi se ne dopada u ovoj pesmi:od prepoznatljivog gitarskog uvoda,preko organa koje 'upadaju' baš na pravom mestu,ritma,pulsirajućeg basa pa do saksofona i vokala.Još jedna savršena pop pesma!

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Miharu Koshi

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