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недеља, 7. фебруар 2021.

ANYTIME,ANYPLACE,ANYWHERE : Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely


I'm curious to know exactly how you are
I keep my distance,but that distance is too far
It reassures me just to know that you're OK
But i don't want you to go on needing me this way

And i don't want to know if you are lonely
Don't want to know if you are less than lonely
Don't want to know if you are lonely
Don't want to know,don't want to know

The day you left me,left me feeling oh so bad
Baby,i'm not sure about all the doubts we had
From the beginning we both knew it wouldn't last
Decisions have been made,the die has been cast

And i don't want to know if you are lonely...

The phone is ringing and the clock says 4 AM
If it's your friends,well,i don't want to hear from them
Please leave your number and a message at the tone
Or you can just go on and leave me alone

And i don't want to know if you are lonely...

Prekretnica za band,koji su svoj plameni hardcore zamenili mnogo prihvatljivijim 'radio friendly' zvukom,zadržavajući agresivnost.Ovo je pesma furioznog tempa sa razbesnelim gitarskim rifovima i razbijajućim bubnjevima.'Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely' je destilat svega bitnog što su nam doneli Husker Du.

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Miharu Koshi

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