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понедељак, 1. фебруар 2021.



Enola Gay
You should have stayed at home yesterday
Ah-ha,words can't describe
The feeling and the way you lied

These games you play
They're going to end in more than tears some day
Ah-ha,Enola Gay
It shouldn't ever have to end this way

It's 8:15
And that's the time that it's always been
We got your message on the radio
Conditions normal,and you're coming home

Enola Gay
Is mother proud of little boy today?
Ah-ha,the kiss you give
It's never ever gonna to fade away

Enola Gay
You shouldn't ever have to live this way
Ah-ha,Enola Gay
You should've faded out dreams away...

     Vrtoglavi synthesizeri koji se neumorno vrtlože u pozadini čine ovu numeru jednim od remek dela synth-popa.Enola Gay je bombarder koji je bacio atomsku bombu ('little boy') na Hiroshimu.Čini se čudnim da je ovako vesela pop melodija muzička pozadina za tako ozbiljnu temu,ali strastveni vokal Andy McCluskeya čini da sve ima smisla.

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