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четвртак, 15. април 2021.



This midmorning awakening
This bleak whiteness, nothingness
The eye that stares through your mirror
A suction entanglement
On stained sheets
Figures with no regrets
Their doubts caste a shadow here
The time drifts
The time swells
The skies melt
In my dream I am older
Everything is soft out of focus
There's this sound which disturbs me
A clarinet plays in the distance
Everything turns black and white
I must go to work
I know where it is
I've been there before
I'll go there this time
They will not have to force me
I'll go there willingly
I'll go there today
This could be New York
This could be London
I don't care anymore
I'm wearing this suit
A black suit
I'm wearing this time
A black tie
I'm carrying this case
A black case
I walk down the street
The people are staring

Preko mrgodnog basa,jednostavnog ritma i gotovo bolnog saksofona,uvučeni smo u neo-noir noćnu moru taksi vozila,neprepoznatljivih gradskih ulica (''this could be New York,this could be London,i don't care anymore''),Orwellovskog pritiska (''i could go to work,i know where it is...they will not have to force me,i will go there willingly'' - jezivo proročanski u doba Pandemije),crnih odela,crnih kravata,crnih sanduka...

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Miharu Koshi

        Klavijaturista i pevačica iz Tokyo-a. Karijeru je započela krajem sedamdesetih, pobedivši u TV takmičenju talenata. Do sredine osamd...