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субота, 10. април 2021.



In a garden in the House Of Love
Sitting lonely on a plastic chair
The sun is cruel when he hides away
I need a sister
I'll just stay

A little girl,a little guy
In a church or in a school
Little Jesus are you watching me?
I'm so young
Just eighteen

She,she-she-she,shine on...

In a garden in the House Of Love
There's nothing real just a coat of arms
I'm not the pleasure that i used to be
So young
Just eighteen

She,she-she-she,shine on...

I don't know why i dream this way
The sky is purple
Things are right every day
I don't know,it's just this world's so far away
But i won't fight and i won't hate
Well not today

She,she-she-she,shine on...

   Ovako treba da zvuči indie-pop.Debi singl House Of Love je vrtlog delikatne lepote sa gromkim ritmom,blistavo-mračnom gitarom Terry Bickersa,dramatičnim vokalom Guy Chadwicka i izuzetnim pratećim vokalom Andree Heukamp.Kroz pesmu se promvlači klasičan,elegantan feeling,koji vodi ka melodrami ali je toliko moćan da uopšte ne deluje pretenciozno.
   Tekst je nejasniji od muzike,i prepun je slika koje nagoveštavaju emocionalnu traumu kroz slojeve grozničavih snova.

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Miharu Koshi

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