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уторак, 30. јун 2020.


 We came across the West sea
 We didn't have much idea
 Of the kind of climate waiting

 We used our hands for guidance
 Like the children of the preacher
 Like adry tree seeking water or a daughter

 Nice'n'sleazy does it

 does it,does it,does it every time

 An angel came from outside
 Had no halo,had no father
 With a coat of many colors

 He spoke of brothers many
 Wine and women song a plenty
 He began to write a chapter in history

 Nice'n'sleazy,does it
 Nice'n'sleazy does it every time

     Nice'n'Sleazy je moja omiljena numera ranih Stranglersa uz 'No More Heroes' i 'Hanging Around' i pravi je primer agresivnog post-punka za razliku od hitova iz srednjeg perioda ('Golden Brown') i pop pristupa,krajem osamdesetih ('Always The Sun').
     Omot singla je svojevremeno izazvao dosta burnih reakcija u štampi,jer prikazuje jednu od žrtvi Bostonskog Davitelja.

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Miharu Koshi

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