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уторак, 8. децембар 2020.



I'm sitting in this cell for somethig i didn't do
And all i can think of is baby i think of you
Don't worry baby,coming back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout...

Now i've got the chance i didn't care about what you do
When i done them things,i done them just for you
And now i'm getting out coming back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout...

Well now i'm over the wall,i'm nearly home
I'm going through that door,coming back for you
Now i'm nearly home,nearly back with you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout...

'Borstal Breakout' je stravičan komad cockney žestine koja još uvek zvuči sveže i uzbudljivo.Jimmy Pursey na vrhuncu,okružen režućim akordima,navijačkim,urlajućim pratećim vokalima i moćnim bubnjevima!

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