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недеља, 27. децембар 2020.



I love livin' in the city...

My house smells just like Zoo
It's chock full of shit and puke!
Cockroaches on the wall
Crabs crawlin' on my balls!
Ohh,but i'm so clean cut
I just wanna fuck some sluts!

I love livin' in the city...

Spent my whole life in the city
Where junk is king and the air amells shitty!
People pukin' everywhere
Piles of blood,scabs and hair
Bodies wasted in defeat
People dyin' on the street
But the suburban scumbags,they don't care
Just get fat and dye their hair!

I love livin' in the city...

   Definitivno najpoznatija pesma grupe Fear koja predstavlja instant prepoznatljiv bojni poklič svih onih koji 'veliki grad' zovu svojim domom.

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