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уторак, 26. јануар 2021.



There's a green plaid jacket on the back of the chair
It's like a moment frozen forever there
Mom and dad had a lot of big plans for their little man
''So proud''

Mama's gone crazy 'cause her baby's shot down
By some teenage car chase war out of bounds
It was the wrong place wrong time wrong end of a gun

Shoot straight from the hip
Gone forever in a trigger slip
You know,it could have been
It could have been your brother

Shoot straight shoot to kill
Blame each other,blame yourselves
God is a bullet have mercy on us everyone
They're gonna call me sir they'll all stop picking on me
Well i'm a high school grad i'm over 5 foot 3
I'll get a badge and a gun and i'll join the PD

They'll see
He didn't have to use the gun they put in his hand
But when the guy came at him,well he panicked and run
And it's thirty long years before they give him another chance

And it's sad,sad,sad
John Lennon,Doctor King,Harvey Milk
All for goddamn nothing
God is a bullet have mercy on us everyone.

     Johnette Napolitano blista u ovoj pesmi.Koncept metka u ulozi Boga,Krajnjeg arbitra života i smrti,relevantan je sve dok Amerika bude suočena sa jezivim širenjem masovnih pucnjava.'God Is A Bullet' je žestok rock u kome Napolitano daje i srce i dušu pesmi svojim vokalom.'God Is A Bullet' poseduje sonični i emotivni naboj taneta,oštrinu i sposobnost da se uvuče pod kožu,razbije lobanju i ukopa se duboko u vaš cerebralni cortex.

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