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недеља, 12. јул 2020.


I'm not in love with television
I'm not in love with the radio
I'm not in love with the Kings Road
Beacuse i'm in love with Cathy McGowan - she said

Ready,steady,go - all things she said
Ready,steady,go - wasn't it fabulous

I'm not in love with Juke Box Jury
I'm not in love with Thank You Lucky Stars
I'm not in love with T,T,T,Twiggy
Because i'm in love with Cathy McGowan

Well i was in love with the Beatles
I was in love with the Stones (no Satisfaction)
I was in love with Bobby Dylan
Because i'm in love with Rock'n'Roll

Ready,steady,go - well all the things she said
Like 'Ready,Steady,Go' - well wasn't it fabulous

'Ready,Steady,Go' pokazuje da Billy Idol nije uvek bio totalni kreten.Poletno i šarmantno melodično podsećanje na glam uticaje Generation X.

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