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петак, 13. новембар 2020.



I am a patient boy
I wait,i wait,i wait,i wait
My time is like water down a drain

Everybody's moving,everybody's moving
Everybody's moving,moving,moving,moving
Please don't leave me to remain

I'm in the waiting room,i don't want the news
I cannot use it
I don't want the news
I won't live by it
Sitting outside of town
Everybody's always down
Tell me why?
Beacause,they can't get up
Ah,come on and get up
Come on and get up

But i don't sit idly by
I'm planning a big surprise
I'm gonna fight for what i wanna be
And i won't make the same mistakes ('cause i know)
Because i know how much time that wastes (and function)
Function is the key

I'm in the waiting room,i don't want the news
I cannot use it...

Tipična pesma za rani Fugazi.Napisana od strane Ian McKayea,pesma je besni,oštri post punk,sirov i uzbudljiv.Tokom pesme se oseća pomalo ska uticaj,da bi tokom refrena eksplodirala hard rock intenzitetom.Posle 22 sekunde gitarskog uvoda,numera neočekivano prestaje 4 sekunde,nakon čega udarački bubnjevi ponovo zakotrljaju stvar.

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Miharu Koshi

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