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недеља, 30. август 2020.


I,i will be the king
And you,you will be the queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them,just for one day
We can be heroes,just for one day

And you,you can be mean
And i,i'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers,and that is the fact
Yes,we're lovers,and that is that

Though nothing will keep us together
We could steal time,just for one day
We can be heroes,forever and ever
What d'you say?

I,i wish you could swim
Like the dolphins,Like dolphins can swim

Though nothing,nothing will keep us together
We can beat them,forever and ever
Oh,we can be heroes,just for one day

   Posle burnog boravka u LA,Bowie se našao u Berlinu na oporavku (detoksikaciji),gde je,inspirisan,promatranjem dvoje zaljubljenih pored Berlinskog Zida,napisao ovu pesmu.Najstrastvenija Bowieva pesma,koja je napisana za samo šest minuta i sadrži izvanredan synth rad Enoa i gitaru Robert Frippa.

субота, 29. август 2020.


So many destination faces going to so many places
Where the weather is much better
And the food is so much cheaper
Well i help her with her baggage for her baggage is so heavy
I hear the plane is ready by the gateway to take my love away
And i can't believe that she really wants to leave me and it's getting me so
It's getting me so

Airport,you've got a smiling face
You took the one i love so far away
Fly her away-fly her away-airport
Airport,you've got a smiling face
You took my lady to another place
Fly her away-fly her away

The plane is on the move
And the traces of the love we had in places
Are turning in my mind

 Najpoznatija pesma Motorsa i njihov največi singl uspeh.'Airport' je zanosno parče new wave/power popa sa očaravajućom synth melodijom,sanjivim refrenom i melanholičnim feelingom.

уторак, 25. август 2020.

Hunters & Collectors

     Hunters & Collectors su nastali 1981 u Melbourneu,predvodjeni pevačem i gitaristom Mark Seymoureom.Ime su dobili po pesmi Nemačke grupe Can.
     U početku pod snažnim uticajem krautrocka i produkcija Conny Planka,njihova muzika je sadržala moćne udaraljke,bučne gitare i snažne bass linije,pomalo podsećajući na Talking Heads i njihov 'Remain In Light' album.
     Postajući deo underground scene Melbournea,Hunters & Collectors potpisuju za Mushroom Records i upošljavaju Planka kao producenta na svojim albumima,'The Fireman's Curse' i 'The Jaws Of Life',koji postižu skroman uspeh.
     Stvari se menjaju na bolje sa albumom 'Human Frailty'(1986),čiji komercijalni uspeh prate i sledeća ostvarenja:'Ghost Nation'(1989),'Cut'(1992) i 'Demon Flower'(1994).
     Hunters & Collectors postaju jedan od najboljih live sastava Australije i intenzivno nastupaju po domovini (povremeno i u Evropi i USA),sve do raspada,1998.

Natural Ingradients  (Liberation,2003)

link in...

недеља, 23. август 2020.

ANYTIME,ANYPLACE,ANYWHERE : (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

 I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get me no satisfaction
And i try,and i try,and i t-t-t-try
I can't get no
I can't get me no

When i'm riding in my car
And a man comes on a radio
He's tellin' me mora and more
About some useless information
Supposed to fire my imagination
I can't get no,no,no,no
Hey,hey,hey,that's what i say
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get me no girly action

When i'm watchin' my TV
And a man comes on to tell me
How white my shirts could be
But it can't be a man 'cause h does not smoke
same cigarettes as me
I can't get no,no,no,no
Hey,hey,hey,that's what i say

And when i'm flying 'round the world
And i'm doin' this and i'm tryin' do that
And i'm trying to make some girl
Who tells me:'Baby,baby,baby
Baby,better come back later next week''
Can't you see i'm on a losing streak
I can't get no,no,no,no
Hey,hey,hey,that's what i say

I can't get no (satisfaction)
I can't get me no (satisfaction)
Well,i can't get no (satisfaction)

     Robotska funk verzija Jagger/Richards klasika.Originalno,drugačije,uvrnuto...Richardsov čuveni riff je nestao,uostalom kao i gotovo kompletna melodija.Apsolutno originalno tumačenje jedne od najvećih rock himni.Priča se,da je i sam Jagger bio oduševljen Devo verzijom.

субота, 22. август 2020.


Drive my truck midway to the motorway station
Fair-lane cruiser coming up on the left hand side
Headlights shining,driving rain on the window frame
Little young lady stardust hitching a ride

And it's 2-4-6-8,never too late
Me and my radio trucking on through the night
3-5-7-9,on a little white line
Motorway sun coming up with the morning light

Whizz-kid sitting pretty on your two wheels stallion
This old ten tone lorry got a bead on you
Ain't no use setting up with a bad companion
Ain't nobody got the better of you know who

And it's 2-4-6-8.never too late
Me and my radio trucking on through the night
3-5-7-9,on a little white line
Motorway sun coming up with the morning light

   Nešto izmedju horskog pevanja na tribinama i Bruce Springsteena.Više rock nego punk i bez politike po kojoj će Robinson postati opšte poznat.Instant hit!

среда, 19. август 2020.


     Anglofilska braća iz Californije,Ron i Russell Mael,su se specijalizovali u pravljenju keyboard-orijentisanih pop pesama uz pamentu,ironičnu liriku (Ron) i otpevanu gotovo operskim vokalom (Russell).Oni koji ih vole brzo su se identifikovali sa zanosom,misterijom i humorom njihove muzike.Oni koji ih ne vole,čuju samo puno piskavih vokala.
     Originalnu postavu (tada su se još zvali Halfnelson),pored braće Mael,činili su i braća Mankey (Earl,kasnije producent i Jim,basista),te bubnjar Harley Feinstein.
     Demo snimci pronalaze put do Todd Rundgrena,koji im pomaže da dobiju ugovor sa Bearsville Records.Todd je i producirao njihov album 'Halfnelson,,1971.Album van svog vremena,glam pre glama,stilizovana Britanska muzika koja nije našla svoje mesto u srcima Amerikanaca.Njihova kompanija je mislila da je neuspeh rezultat imena banda,pa su ga momci promenili u Sparks i reizdali album sa novim omotom.
     'Wonder Girl' postiže skroman uspeh na Top listama,što važi i za drugi album 'A Woofer In Tweeter's Clothing'(1973).
     Verujući da bi se njihova muzika dopala Britancima,Sparks kreću za London,gde nastupaju u Marquee klubu,1973,uz predgupu,tada malo poznatu grupu Queen.
     Sparks sviraju širom Evrope i UK,pojavljuju se na TVu i naslovnim stranama časopisa,postaju meta vrištećih tinejdžerki...Očekivajući sličan uspeh i u domovini,vraćaju se u USA,ali uzalud.Amerika i dalje nije bila spremna za njih,pa se band raspada.
     Braća Mael se vraćaju u London i razbijaju Englesku pop scenu 1974 sa albumom 'Kimono My House' (producent Muff Winwood),sa koga je skinut #2 UK hit singl,glam rock opereta,'This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us'.'Propaganda'(1974) nastavlja uspešan put svog prethodnika.Vrišteće tinejdžerke su se vratile a štampa je zatrpana apsurdnim i upadljivim fotografijama braće Mael.Sparks postaju veeelike teen zvezde,što je jedna od najvećih ironija u muzici sedamdesetih.
     Umorivši se od magle i hladnoće (ipak su oni Californijski momci),krajem 1975 raspuštaju Britanske muzičare i vraćaju se u LA.
     Krajem sedamdesetih u saradnji sa producentom Giorgio Moroderom,realizuju čak tri UK hita,'Tryouts For The Human Race','Beat The Clock' i 'No.1 Song In Heaven',svi uradjeni u agresivnom electro-dance stilu.
     1982 izlazi album 'Angst In My Pants',povratak power popu,i na njemu se nalazi njihov prvi USA hit singl,urnebesna 'I Predict'.Konačni uspeh u USA nastavlja se i sledećim albumom,'Sparks In Outer Space',1983.
     Posle albuma 'Interior Design'(1988) sledi pauza,sve do 1994 i 'Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins'.1997  objavljuju 'Plagiarism' sastavljen od obrada sopstvenih pesama.'Balls' iz 2000 je ponovni povratak elektronici.
    Prvi živi album 'Two Hands,One Mouth,Live In Eurpe',objavljuju 2013.Poslednji studijski album pojavio se 2020,pod imenom 'A Steady Drip,Drip,Drip'.

Past Tense-The Best Of Sparks  (BMG,2019) 3xCD

PS : Franz Ferdinand i Sparks su se ujedinili pod imenom FFS,2015,i snimili istoimeni album.

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субота, 15. август 2020.


Morning all.I'd like to tell you about when i was a young boy.Musta been three or four months old at the time.I didn't really know what i wanted,and if i did,i wouldn't have been able to tell anybody,'cause all i could do was gurgle.So i sat there in me high-chair,thinking one day,looking at me try and thinking what i'd give for a meal on there.So i started looking round to see what i could have.I was rubbing me eggy soldier in me head,trying to think,and then i looked in the corner and there's a little bread bin with its mouth open,just staring at me,like.And then i looked in and i saw bread.I thought,oh yeah,i'll have (toast),a little piece of (toast)

Well,then i started getting older
i hated this,i hated that
Expensive state was ludicrous
And cafes couldn't cater
For the finer things in life
The upper crust was not for me
I could tell that
So i'd go back home
Switch the kitchen light on
Put the grill on
Slip a slice under
And have (toast)
A little piece of (toast)

'Cause there's so much to choose from
There's brown bread,white bread,
All sorts of wholemeal bread
It comes in funny packages
With writing on the side
But it doesn't matter which one you have
'Cause when you cut the crusts off
Have it with marmalade
Or butter,cheese,tomatoes,beans,banana,
Or chocolate if you're strange
It doesn't really matter.

Oh no,it all goes with (toast)
Just (toast)

Well i go down the supermarket
With me basket in me hand
I'm walking from one counter to another
Trying to find the bread stall
But i can't find it anywhere
And then i bump into a mother
with a baby in a basket
And she says
Oh look,you've started him off again
I come down here for a little bit of peace and quiet
To get some bread to go home to make (toast)

Just (toast),I like (toast)
Yeah but i don't half like (toast)
OK,scrape that toast,boys
Good,that's (toast),yeah,just (toast)

I can't think about it anymore,I've got to go and have some,it's no good
Here listen,i'm getting a bit browned off standing here
Me too,shall we go and have some toast?
Good idea!Why not?OK
I've got the grill on
Got any brown bread?
Yeah,have you got wholemeal bread?Wheatmeal bread?
All sorts of toast,let's go

Iznenadjujući uspeh za Streetband,sa ovom numerom,koja predstavlja satiru na Englesku opsednutost prepečenim hlebom.Originalno,'Toast' je bio na B-strani singla,ali usled mnogo veće medijske eksponiranosti,pesma postaje hit,njihova kompanija (Logo) ubrzo menja strane.Zabavna pesma koja zvuči prilično Bonzo-ovski i najmanje reprezentativna za stvaralaštvo banda u kome je vokal bio Paul Young,buduća velika pop/soul zvezda.

четвртак, 13. август 2020.


     Punk band iz Peterborougha,nastao od grupe the Faderz,1976.Iako izolovani od ostatka punk zajednice,nastupali su u Roxyju i Vortexu,predgrupisali za 999 i svirali na brojnim samostalnim nastupima.Prvi singl,'Development Corporations' su izdali u sopstvenoj režiji.Haotično,turobno,smrtno ozbiljna numera duga ćetiri minuta.Drugi SP,'Into The '80s',snimljen je za Raw Records krajem 1977 ali nije realizovan sve do kraja 1978 (po websiteu banda) ili početkom 1979 (po svim ostalim).Posle studio sessiona 1979 band se raspao,ne dočekavši osamdesete.
     Po reizdanju oba singla 2000,Now se vraćaju u aktivno stanje 2004 i konačno snimaju materijal koji je trebalo da bude njihov debi album 1977.I dobro je da su to uradili jer se radi o stvarno odličnim pesmama.

Fuzztone Fizzadelic  (Damaged Goods,2005)

...in coms

понедељак, 10. август 2020.

Mau Maus

     UK band pod žestokim uticajem USA hardcore punka,debitovali su 1981,kao predgrupa Angelic Upstarts.Tokom 1982 nastavljaju sa live nastupima po Britaniji,svirajući ispred takvih veličina kao što su Urban Dogs i Dead Kennedys.Iste godine potpisuju ugovor sa Pax Records i snimaju seriju dopadljivih,brzih singlova.Ovim izdanjima stiču pristojan uspeh u punk krugovima i,1983,odlaze na turneju sa Pax kolegama,Exploited.Nažalost,pri kraju turneja basista Bunny se srušio na sceni (kasnije mu je dijagnosticiran rak).Mau Maus nastavljaju sa novim basistom i pokreću sopstvenu etiketu,Rebellion.Posle jednog singla ('Tear Down The Walls'),konačno snimaju prvi studijski album,'Fear No Evil',1985.U vreme izdavanja ovog albuma,popularnost banda je drastično opala.Promenama u postavi (još jedan gitarista,povratak oporavljenog Bunnya) pokušali su da razmrdaju stvar,ali 12''Nowhere To Run' nije učinio ništa po tom pitanju pa se grupa raspada 1986.

Fear No Evil  (Rebellion,1985)

...in coms

недеља, 9. август 2020.


He went away and you hung around
And bothered me,every night
And when i wouldn't go out with you
You said things that weren't very nice

My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble*
You see him comin' better cut out on the double*
You been spreading lies that i was untrue*
So look out now cause he's comin' after you**
He's been gone for such a long time*
Now he's back and things'll be fine*
You're gonna be sorry you were even born*
Cause he's kinda big and he's awful strong*

Hey he knows i wasn't cheatin'
Now you're gonna get a beatin'
What made you think he'd believe all your lies
You're a big man now but he'll cut you down to size
Wah-ooo,wait and see

My boyfriend's back he's gonna save my reputation*
If i were you i'd take a permanent vacation*
Yeah,my boyfriend's back*
Look out now,yeah,my boyfriend's back *
I could see him comin'*
So you better get a runnin'*

*(Hey-la-day-la,my boyfriend's back)
**(Hey,he knows that you been tryin',and he knows that you been lyin')

Ex-Deaf School vokal uz pratnju The Illuminations,u produkciji Clive Langera,predstavlja obradu The Angels iz 1963,koja me je oduševila zadržavajući sav duh i zabavu originala,nasuprot moderne pozadine.

четвртак, 6. август 2020.

Thin White Rope

     Grupa je osnovana u Davisu,Ca,1981-1982.Osnivači su bili Guy Kyser i Jozef Becker,koji su se upoznali u bandu Les Z Boys.Preko oglasa su pronašli gitaristu Roger Kunkela,koji je u band doveo basistu Kevin Staydohara.U početku su svirali obrade ali su ubrzo u repertoar ubacili i neke Kyserove numere.
     Steve Tesluk i Frank French menjaju Staydohara i Beckera,koji su otišli da se prikluče bandu True West.
     1984 rade demo snimke,Becker se vraća u band i dobijaju ugovor sa Frontier Records,za koje snimaju album 'Exploring The Axis'.
     Tokom vremena,Kyser i Kunkel ostaju stalni članovi banda,dok se ostali stalno menjaju.Band je postao poznat po jedinstvenom gitarskom stilu,inovativnoj upotrebi feedbacka i neobičnoj lirici.Američka kritika ih je nazivala jednim od retkih vrednih tradicionalnih Američkih gitarskih bandova,koji je doneo nov život žanru.
     Grupa se razišla 1992,posle objavljivanja duplog živog albuma 'The One That Got Away',koji je snimljen na poslednjem nastupu Thin White Rope u Ghentu,Belgium.
     Kunkel je nastavio u Acme Rocket Quartet,a Kyser u Mummydogs.

When Worlds Colide  (Frontier,1994)

....in coms

субота, 1. август 2020.


Oh Denis doo-be-do
I'm in love with you,Denis doo-be-do
I'm in love with you,Denis doo-be-do
I'm in love with you

Denis,Denis,oh with your eyes so blue
Denis,Denis,I've got a crush on you
Denis,Denis,I'm so in love with you

Oh when we walk it always feels so nice
And when we talk it seems like paradise
Denis,Denis,i'm so in love with you
You're my king and i'm in heaven every time i look at you
When you smile it's like a dream
And i'm so lucky cause i found a boy like you

Denis,Denis,avec tes yeux si bleux
Denis,Denis,moi j'ai flashe a nous deux
Denis,Denis,un grand baiser d'eternite

Denis,Denis,je suis si folle de toi
Denis,Denis,oh embrasse moi ce soir
Denis,Denis,un grand baiser d'eternite

Oh,Denis doo-be-do
I'm in love with you,Denis doo-be-do
I'm in love with you

     Slatko,zabavno,energično,punky...Jeste da se radi o obradi (Randy & The Rainbows-Denise),ali je toliko dobra da me original uopšte ne intersuje.

Daphne Guinness

       Tokom svoje karijere Daphne se bavuila raznim stvarima: glumica, filmski producent, dizajner, pevačica...Što se muzike tiče, mentor j...