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петак, 27. новембар 2020.


In the deserts of Sudan
And the gardens of Japan
From Milan to Yucatan
Every woman,every man

Hit me with your rhythm stick
Hit me!Hit me!
Je t'adore,ich liebe dich
Hit me!Hit me!Hit me!
Hit me with your rhythm stick
Hit me slowly,hit me quick
Hit me!Hit me!Hit me!

In the wilds of Borneo
And the vineyards of Bordeaux
Move their body to and fro

Hit me with your rhythm stick
Hit me!Hit me!
Das ist gut!C'est fantastique!
Hit me!Hit me!Hit me!
Hit me with your rhythm stick
It's nice to be a lunatic
Hit me!Hit me!Hit me!

In the dock of Tiger Bay
On the road to Mandalay
From Bombay to Santa Fe
Over hills and far away

Hit me with your rhythm stick...

   Jedna od prvih rock-disco fuzija.Fantastičan plesni aranžman Jankela,pulsirajući bas Norman Watt-Roya,čvrsta gitara,izuzetan saksofon (u stvari dva,koja Davey Payne svira istovremeno),'punky' vokal Durya...šta vam treba više!


четвртак, 26. новембар 2020.



7 ou 8 fois
Je suis restee a quai
Je n'ai pas embarque
Je suis passee a cote
Passee juste a cote

7 ou 8 fois
Il a fallu de peu
A tout remettre en jeu
J'ai failli prendre feu
J'ai failli prendr feu

Cette fois c'en est trop,oh,oh
C'est la fois de trop,oh,oh,oh
Cette fois c'en est trop

7 ou 8 fois
La peur a eu ma peau
Oui j'ai plie le dos
J'ai fini en lambeau

Cette fois c'etait trop,trop,trop
C'etait la fois de trop,oh,oh,oh
Cette fois c'etait trop

 So Frenchy,so chic!!!!

недеља, 22. новембар 2020.



Harmful elements in the air
Symbols clashing everywhere
Reaps the fields of rice and reeds
While the population feeds
 Junk floats on polluted water 
An old custom to sell your daughter
Would you like number 23?
Leave your yens on the counter please

Hong Kong Garden...

Tourists swarm to see your face
Confucius has a puzzling grace
Disorientated you enter in
Unleashing scent of wild jasmine
Slanted eyes ,eet a new sunrise
A race of bodies small in size
Chicken Chow Mein and Chop Suey
Hong Kong Garden Takeaway

Sjajna numera!Sve se složilo baš kako treba i efekat je izvanredan.Pesma je prodorna i snažna sa fantastičnim orijentalnim gitarskim rifom.

субота, 21. новембар 2020.



Nag nag nag...

Home again
Asphalt boys
Broken bodies
Broken toys
Not too tall
Amoeba like
Mono head
Mono mind

Nag nag nag...

Live for lust
Quite unnerving
Live unjust
Even more frightening
15 minute pharaohs
Happy now
Golden hands then back below

Nag nag nag...

      Cabs smatraju da ako ih ljudi pogrešno tumače,to nije njihova greška.Mogućnost postoji.
      'Nag Nag Nag' je tipičan zvuk Cabaret Voltaire sa početka karijere,čvrst,amfetaminski,beskompromisni electro-punk.

петак, 20. новембар 2020.



Two dozen other dirty lovers
Must be a sucker for it
Cry cry but i don't need my mother
Just hold my hand while i come to a decision on it

Sooner or later
Your legs give away,you hit the ground
Save it for later
Don't run away and let me down
Sooner or later
You hit the deck,you get found out
Save it for later
Don't run away and let me down
You let me down

Black air and seven seas are rotten through
But what can you do?
I don't know how i'm meant to act with all of you lot
Sometimes you don't try
Just now now now now...

Sooner or later
Your legs give away,you hit the ground...

Two dozen other stupid reasons
Why we should suffer for this
Don't bother trying to explain them
Just hold my hand while i come to a decision on it

Sooner or later
Your legs give away,you hit the ground...

'Save It For Latter' je napisao Dave Wakeling još na početku karijere Beat (ili English Beat),ali ju je,shodno naslovu,sačuvao sve do trećeg albuma,'Special Beat Service'.Uz 'Mirror In The Bathroom' to je svakako najpoznatija pesma banda.'Mirror..' je svojevremeno bio veći hit,ali je 'Save It For Later' (pevljiva,harmonična,sa suptlnim gudačima i odličnim vokalom),čini mi se,bolje podnela test vremena.

уторак, 17. новембар 2020.



     Band iz Holyheada,u kome su svirali Huw Hughes (bass),Brian Jones (vocal,sax,guitar),Phil Bradley (guitar) i Dave Baynton-Power (drums;kasnije u It's Immaterial,Pink Military i James),
     Modernaires su imali odlične pesme,izvrsne muzičare,veoma dobre live nastupe i svirali su visoko-energetski eksperimentalni post-punk.Nastupali su širom Engleske,izdali zapažen singl 'Life In Our Times',ali se ništa nije desilo posle albuma,prvog i jedinog,'Way Of Living'.Grupa se seli u Chester a kada je TV kanal na Welškom jeziku,S4C,počeo sa radom,menjaju ime u Y Brodyr Y Ffin (Border Brothers) i postaju izuzetno popularni u Walesu,naravno pevajući na Welškom jeziku.
     Huw Hughes je tragično nastradao u požaru 1985.

Way Of Living  (Illuminated,1980)

...in coms

понедељак, 16. новембар 2020.



See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don't know where they want to go
But they're walking in time

They got the beat...
Yeah,they got the beat

All the kids just getting out of school
They can't wait to hang out and be cool
Hang around 'til quarter after twelve
That's when they fall in line

They got the beat... 
Yeah,kids got the beat

Go-go music really makes us dance
Doing the pony puts us in a trance
The Watusi,just give us a chance
That's when we fall in line

'Cause we got the beat
We got the beat
Yeah,we got it!

We got the beat...
Everybody get on your feet
We got the beat
We know you can dance to the beat
We got the beat
Jump back,get down
We got the beat
Round and round and round

We got the beat...

   Pitajte ljude koji su odrasli u osamdesetim šta je tipičan zvuk ove dekade i dobićete stotinu različitih odgovora,zavisno od ukusa,godina,raspoloženja...Pitajte iste te ljude koji je najveseliji,najvedriji zvuk osamdesetih i gotovo svi će vam reći - Go-Go's!
   'We Got The Beat' je tipična Go-Go's numera:zabavna,neodoljiva,vedra,sjajna pop pesma koja pulsira devojačkom energijom.

субота, 14. новембар 2020.



Color of the sky as far as i can see is coal grey
Lift my head from the pillow and thtn fall again
Shiver in my bones,just thinking about the weather
Quiver in my lip as if i might cry

Well by the force of will my lungs are filled and so i breath
Lately it seems this big bed is where i never leave
Shiver in my bones,just thinking about the weather
A quiver in my voice as i cry

What a cold and a rainy day
Where on earth is the sun hid away?

Hear the sound of a noon bell chime
Well i'm far behind
You've put in 'bout half a day
While here i lie
With a shiver in my bones just thinking about the weather
A quiver in my voice as if i might cry

What a cold and a rainy day...

Do i need someone here to scold me
Or do i need someone who''l grab and pull me out of four poster dull torpor pulling downward
For it is such a long time since my better days
I say my prayers nightly this will pass away

The color of the sky is grey as i can see through the blinds
Lift my head from the pillow and then fall again
Shiver in my bones just thinking about the weather
A quiver in my voice as if i might cry

A cold and a rainy day
Where on earth is the sun hid away?
A cold and a rainy day i shiver,quiver,and try to wake

   Blještavi vokal Merchantove klizi preko tananog,postojanog ritma,suzdržanih organa,lirskog basa i sjajnih gitarskih linija.Uprkos mračnoj lirici o ženi koja je toliko depresivna da ne može ustati iz kreveta,pesma deluje nežno i toplo.Svako ko se ikada birio protiv depresije prepoznaće se u stihovima Natalie Merchant:''it is such a long time since my better days/i say my prayers nightly this will pass away''.

петак, 13. новембар 2020.



I am a patient boy
I wait,i wait,i wait,i wait
My time is like water down a drain

Everybody's moving,everybody's moving
Everybody's moving,moving,moving,moving
Please don't leave me to remain

I'm in the waiting room,i don't want the news
I cannot use it
I don't want the news
I won't live by it
Sitting outside of town
Everybody's always down
Tell me why?
Beacause,they can't get up
Ah,come on and get up
Come on and get up

But i don't sit idly by
I'm planning a big surprise
I'm gonna fight for what i wanna be
And i won't make the same mistakes ('cause i know)
Because i know how much time that wastes (and function)
Function is the key

I'm in the waiting room,i don't want the news
I cannot use it...

Tipična pesma za rani Fugazi.Napisana od strane Ian McKayea,pesma je besni,oštri post punk,sirov i uzbudljiv.Tokom pesme se oseća pomalo ska uticaj,da bi tokom refrena eksplodirala hard rock intenzitetom.Posle 22 sekunde gitarskog uvoda,numera neočekivano prestaje 4 sekunde,nakon čega udarački bubnjevi ponovo zakotrljaju stvar.

четвртак, 12. новембар 2020.


     Osnovani 1976,Plastics su bili tipičan new wave band iz Tokyoa i kombinovali su šašav,ekscentričan muzički senzibilitet sa lirikom koja je kritikovala potrošačku kulturu.Često su poredjeni sa Devo i B-52's.
     Počeli su kao party band ali su ubrzo proširili svoju muziku glam rock osećajem za trash kulturu i socijalnom kritikom nadolazećeg punka.Elektronika techno-pop pionira Kraftwerk je bila poslednji deo slagalice i Plastics su pronašli svoj zvuk.Tekstovi na engleskom su ih činili prihvatljivim zapadnom tržištu koje ih je otkrilo preko David Byrnea.Naime,član Plasticsa,Toshio Nakanishi je uradio dizajn bookleta za Talking Heads turneju i tom prilikom se upoznao sa Byrneom kome je dao demo snimke banda.Oduševljen onim što je čuo,prosledio je snimke menadžeru B-52's,koji je omogućio snimanje debi albuma za Plastics.
     Album je bio hit u Japanu a pratio gaje drugi,'Origato Plastico',koji je doživeo sličan uspeh.Nažalost band se razilazi 1981 i pored internacionalnog ugovora sa Island Records,UK singla za Rough Trade i mini Američke turneje.
     Iako aktivni relativno kratko,njihov uticaj u transformisanju Japanskog mainstreama od 'kayoukyouku' stila,dominantnog u šezdesetim i sedamdesetim ka više elektronskom J-popu,je ogroman.I danas su veoma cenjeni i uticajni medju brojnim new wave i techno pop izvodjačima.
     Posle raspada,Chica Sato i Nakanishi su nastavili karijeru kao Melon a kasnije i u raznim drugim projektima.Gitarista Tachibana je postao cenjeni grafički dizajner.

Welcome Plastics  (Invitation,1980)

Origato Plastico  (Invitation,1980)

Welcome Back  (Invitation,1981)

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уторак, 10. новембар 2020.

Chaz Jankel


     Chaz Jankel (rodjen kao Charles Jeremy Jankel) je Engleski pevač,kompozitor,aranžer,multi-instrumentalista i producent.
     Jankel je najpoznatiji po svojoj saradnji sa Ian Duryem,najpre u Kilburn & The High Roads a potom i u Blockheads,gde je svirao gitaru i klavijature.Koautor je nekoih od najpoznatijih Duryevih pesama kao što su 'Reasons To Be Cheerful Pt.3' i 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick'.
     1979 je napustio Blockheads i posvetio se solo karijeri,mada je učestvovao na albumu Ian Durya 'Lord Upminster'.
     Posle nekoliko solo albuma (dance/funk orijentacije),1988 se seli u Ameriku,gde je živeo nekoliko godina a potom se vraća u Britaniju gde se priključuje reformiranim Blockheads,sa kojima ostaje do Duryeve smrti.
     Jankel je i autor muzike za više filmova,a od 2001,svoju muziku objavljuje preko sopstvene etikete CJ Records.

Chaz Jankel  (A&M,1980)

Chasanova  (A&M,1981)

Chazablanca  (A&M,1983)

Looking At You  (A&M,1985)

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понедељак, 9. новембар 2020.

Mick Harvey does Serge Gainsbourg


     Harvey se upustio u ovaj projekat zbog sopstvenog zanimanja za pesme Serge Gainsbourga,posebno zbog lirike.Kada su originalni snimci Gainsbourga objavljeni,on je bio malo poznat van Francuske i to uglavnom po svoje dve klasične numere,'Je T'Aime..Moi Non Plus' i 'Bonnie & Clyde'.Na radovima Harveya,ovakvi klasični radovi Gainsbourga su prezentovani uz manje poznate,ali podjednako intrigantne i kvalitetne numere.

Intoxicated Man - akcenat je na singlovima koji su decenijama dominirali Francuskim listama popularnosti.
Pink Elephants - manje poznate Gainsbourgove pesme,koje se,kao i na prethodnom albumu,bave dvema glavnim opsesijama autora:Amerika i sex.
Delirium Tremens - Harvey kopa još dublje po opbskurnim ćoškovima lavirintskog kataloga Gainsbourga.
Intoxicated Women - duetske numere koje je Gainsbourg uradio sa ženskim vokalima.

Intoxicated Man  (Mute,1995)

Pink Elephants  (Mute,1997)

Delirium Tremens  (Mute,2016)

Intoxicated Women  (Mute,2017)

...in coms

недеља, 8. новембар 2020.




Back in '68 in a sweaty club (Oh Geno)
Before Jimmy's Machine and the Rocksteady Rub (Oh Geno)
On a night when flowers didn't suit my shoes
After a week of flunkin' and bunkin' school
The lowest head in the crowd that night
Just practicin' steps and keepin' outta the fights

Academic inspiration,you gave me none
But you were Michael the lover
The fighter that won
But now just look at me as i'm looking down at you
No,i'm not bein' flash,it's what i'm built to do

That man took the stage,his towel was swingin' high (Oh Geno)
This man was my bombers,my Dexy's,my high (Oh Geno)
How the crowd,they all hailed you,and chanted your name
But they never knew like we knew
Me and you were the same
And now,you're all over,your song is so tame,brrr
You fed me,you bred me,i'll remember your name

Academic inspiration,you gave me none...

Oh Geno (Oh Geno)...

Nije prvi put da je posrnuli punk u osamdesetim izrodio nešto novo,drugačije i kreativno.Numera je inspirisana jednim neinspirativnim koncertom Geno Washingtona,kome je Kevin Rowland,tada petnaestogodišnjak,prisustvovao.Sa pumpajućom duvačkom sekcijom i navijačko/horskim refrenom,'Geno' je totalni opozit tada preovladjujućem hladnom,synth zvuku i prvi #1 za dexy's.

петак, 6. новембар 2020.



I know it's out of fashion
And a trifle uncool
But i can't help it
I'm a romantic fool
It's a habit of mine
To watch the sun go down
On Echo Beach
I watch the sun go down

From nine to five,i have to spent my time at work
My job is very boring,i'm an office clerk
The only thing that halps me pass the time away
Is knowing i'll be back at Echo Beach someday

Oh silent summer evenings
The sky's alive with lights
A building in the distance
Surrealistic sight
On Echo Beach
There's not a soul around

From nine to five,i have spent my time at work...

Echo Beach,far away in time
Echo Beach,far away in time...

   Ne postoji ništa što mi se ne dopada u ovoj pesmi:od prepoznatljivog gitarskog uvoda,preko organa koje 'upadaju' baš na pravom mestu,ritma,pulsirajućeg basa pa do saksofona i vokala.Još jedna savršena pop pesma!

четвртак, 5. новембар 2020.



She cuts her hair
And calls his name
Wishin' everything could be the same
Like when she had him

I'll give you fish
I'll give you candy
I'll give you hoo everything i have in my hand

Walking out of Korvettes
Package in her hand
Motions to all the seabirds
Throws divinity on the sand

I'll give you fish...

Give me,give back my man
Give me,give back my man

Head's in a whirpool 
Spinnin' round and round
If she don't get her man back
She's gonna drown

I'll give you fish (Watch that motorboat)
I'll give you candy (She's in the motorboat)
I'll give you everything i have in my hand
(Her man's at the bottom of,give her back her man!)

Give her,give back her man...

 Jedna od najstarilij pesama B-52's,iako se pojavljuje tek na 'Wild Planet' albumu.Odlična plesna numera (uostalom kao i večina B-52's pesama),sa bizarnim tekstom o devojci čijeg je momka pojela ajkula,i jedna od retkih u stvaralaštvu grupe sa samo jednim vokalom (Cindy Wilson).

уторак, 3. новембар 2020.

Johnette Napolitano


     Napolitano je rodjena u Hollywoodu a prvi muzički angažman je imala u duetu Dream 6,koga je osnovala sa gitaristom Jim Mankeyem.1982 su snimili EP koga je producirao Jimov brat Earl,nekada član Sparks.EP je privukao pažnju Miles Copelanda,šefa IRS Records.Menjajući ime u Concrete Blonde i proširujući postavu sa bubnjarem Harry Rushakoffim,band snima istoimeni debi album 1987.Slede albumi 'Free','Bloodletting','Walking In London' i 'Mexican Moon' pre raspada grupe 1995.
     Johnette se posvećuje kratkotrajnim projektima,kao što su Vowel Movement (sa Holly Beth Vincent) i Pretty & Twisted (sa Marc Morelandom,bivšim članom Wall Of Woodoo).Uz ponovno reaktiviranje Concrete Blonde,Napolitano započinje paralelno i karijeru kompozitora filmske muzike (uglavnom za niskobudžetna ostvarenja).Snimila je i seriju 'Sketchbook' albuma (elektronika,improvizacija).
     Svoj prvi pravi solo album,'Scarred' (ako ne računamo nikada objavljeni 'Sound Of A Woman' iz 1998) snimila je 2007.

Vowel Movement  (Mammoth,1995)

Pretty & Twisted  (WB,1995)

Sound Of A Woman  (Not On Label,1998)

Sketchbook  (Not On Label,2002)

Sketchbook #2  (Not On Label,2002)

Scarred  (Hybrid,2007)

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понедељак, 2. новембар 2020.

Cindy Lee Berryhill


     Cindy Lee Berryhill je svoj prvi (i po mnogima najbolji) album,'Who's Gonna Save The World' objavila 1987.1989,sledi dugi,'Naked Movie Star',na kome je producent bio Lenny Kaye.
     Berryhill,uz Brendu Kahn,Paleface,Beck i John S.Hallom (King Missile) postaje važan deo 'Anti-folk' pokreta u New Yorku.Pojavljuje se i u dokumentarnom filmu 'Mariposa:Under A Stormy Sky' zajedno sa Emmylou Harris,Violent Femmes i drugima.
     Skoro šest godina je prošlo do njenog novog albuma.'Garage Orchestra' je prilično pop obojen za razliku od njenih ranijih ostvarenja.1996 se pojavio album 'Straight Outta Marysville'.
     1999 objavljuje svoju novelu 'Memoirs Of A Female Messiah' paralelno sa živim albumom 'Living Room 16'.2008 je realizovala 'Beloved Stranger' a naslovna pesma je inspirisana iskustvom sa teškom povredom mozga njenog supruga,poznatog rock novinara Paul Williamsa.
     Od smrti supruga,2013,Cindy Lee Berryhill živi u Californiji,sa svojim sinom,a muzici se vratila 2017 albumom 'The Adventurist'.

Who's Gonna Save The World  (Rhino,1987)

Naked Movie Star  (Rhino,1989)

Garage Orchestra  (Cargo,1994)

Straight Outta Marysville  (Cargo,1996)

The Adventurist  (Omnivore,2017)

...in coms

недеља, 1. новембар 2020.



Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision
ATV equals 3/40 time
A equals action, T equals time
V equals vision and the four boys crack
In ATV, V, V, V, V

Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision
Quarter notes don't mean a thing
Listen to the rhythm, listen to us sing
We're in action and the four boys crack

Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision

Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision
Everything's as clear as time
See the movement, see the mime
We're in vision and the four boys crack
In ATV, V, V, V, V, V, V
Action, time and vision
Action, time and vision

''Those three words,'action,time,vision' really seem to capture people's imaginations.I wish i got royalties for the use of those three words!'' - izjavio je Mark Perry,osnivač ATV i fanzina Sniffin' Glue o singlu koji je zauvek promenio izgled i zvuk punka.

Daphne Guinness

       Tokom svoje karijere Daphne se bavuila raznim stvarima: glumica, filmski producent, dizajner, pevačica...Što se muzike tiče, mentor j...