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понедељак, 28. децембар 2020.



Que ce soit Armée rouge,
Les flics de Pretoria,
Malgré le sang qui coule...

Makhnovtchina, Makhnovtchina,
Tes drapeaux sont noirs dans le vent,
Ils sont noirs de notre peine,
Ils sont rouges de notre sang,
Ils sont noirs de notre peine,
Ils sont rouges de notre sang!

Par les monts et par les plaines.
Dans la neige et dans le vent,
A travers toute l'Ukraine
                                                              Se levaient nos partisans,
                                                              A travers toute l'Ukraine
                                           Se levaient nos partisans!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Makhnovtchina, Makhnovtchina,
Armée noire de nos partisans.
Qui cembattez en Ukraine
Contre les rouges et les blancs,
Qui combattez en Ukraine
Contre les rouges et les blancs!

Makhnovtchina, Makhnovtchina,
Ceci est mon testament,
Tu voulais chasser d'Ukraine
A jamais tous les tyrans.
Tu voulais chasser d'Ukraine
A jamais tous les tyrans!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Que ce soit l'Armée rouge,
Les flics de Pretoria,
Malgré le sang qui coule,
Rien ne l'arrêtera,
A travers ta toundra
Rien ne l'arrêtera.
C'est la Makhnovtchina
Rien ne rarêtera.
Rien ne l'arretera !

   Pesma napisana u čast Ukrainskih anarhista koji su se podjednako borili i protiv Belih (caristi) i protiv Crvenih (komunisti).Melodija je uzeta iz Sovijetske pesme 'Partizani' a setiće je se i ex-Titovi pioniri ('Po Šumama i Gorama...').

недеља, 27. децембар 2020.



I love livin' in the city...

My house smells just like Zoo
It's chock full of shit and puke!
Cockroaches on the wall
Crabs crawlin' on my balls!
Ohh,but i'm so clean cut
I just wanna fuck some sluts!

I love livin' in the city...

Spent my whole life in the city
Where junk is king and the air amells shitty!
People pukin' everywhere
Piles of blood,scabs and hair
Bodies wasted in defeat
People dyin' on the street
But the suburban scumbags,they don't care
Just get fat and dye their hair!

I love livin' in the city...

   Definitivno najpoznatija pesma grupe Fear koja predstavlja instant prepoznatljiv bojni poklič svih onih koji 'veliki grad' zovu svojim domom.

субота, 26. децембар 2020.



So, you've been to school for a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car, thinking you'll go far
Back east your type don't crawl

Playing ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz
On your five-grand stereo
Braggin' that you know, how the niggers feel cold
And the slums got so much soul

It's time to taste what you most fear
Right Guard will not help you here
Brace yourself, my dear...

It's a holiday in Cambodia
It's tough, kid, but it's life
It's a holiday in Cambodia
Don't forget to pack a wife

You're a star-belly snitch, you suck like a leech
You want everyone to act like you
Kiss ass while you bitch, so you can get rich
But your boss gets richer off you

Well, you'll work harder with a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day
Slave for soldiers till you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake

Now you can go where people are one
Now you can go where they get things done
What you need, my son...

Is a holiday in Cambodia
Where people dress in black
A holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll kiss ass or crack

Pol Pot, Pol Pot...

And it's a holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll do what you're told
A holiday in Cambodia
Where the slums got so much soul

Zastrašujuća,okrutna i napeta,ova pesma počinje pretećim bassom koji nas uvodi u žestoki i ljutiti/podrugljivi  punk atak.Biafra i Dead Kennedys se rugaju i podsmevaju Američkoj srednjoj klasi.

петак, 25. децембар 2020.

Holy Toy


     Norveški band predvodjen Poljskim imigrantom Andrej Dziubek Nebbom.Holy Toy su svirali bizarno mračnu mešavinu minimal wavea i eksperimentalne muzike,nešto kao duhoviti Coil.Uz Nebba jedini stalni član postave je bio Lars Pedersen (drums,guitar,keyboards) a trubač Rolf Wallin je u dva navrata saradjivao sa bandom (1982 i 1989).
      Grupa se ponovo okupila u originalnoj postavi 2011.

Warszawa  (Uniton,1982)

Panzer And Rabbits  (Sonet,1984)

Pakt Of Fact  (Tatra,1987)

Dummy Cruise Missile...  (Mercury,1989)

...in coms

четвртак, 24. децембар 2020.

Small Wonder Records


     Malo ljudi je učinilo tako mnogo za značajne punk i post-punk bandove kao Pete Stennett.Preko svoje etikete Small Wonder Records (nastale u prodavnici ploča istog imena),Stennett je izdao gomilu SP i EP izdanja koja se danas smatraju klasicima žanra.Za kompaniju su snimali Bauhaus,Cure,Cockney Rejects,Angelic Upstarts,Poison Girls,Crass...Većina ovih izvodjača je posle kratkotrajne saraddnje sa Small Wonder,napuštala Stennetta i prelazila u veće kompanije.Interesantna je priča o singlu Crass,'The Feeding Of The 5000'.Naime,zbog brojnih problema tokom štampe singla,Crass su odlučili da osnuju sopstvenu firmu,veoma značajnu u anarcho-punk svetu,Crass Records.

Small Wonder:Punk Singles Collection Vol.2  (Anagram,1996)

Small Wonder:The Punk Singles Collection  (Anagram,1994)

...in coms  

уторак, 22. децембар 2020.



Mission is a gambler
The wager,the one card to play
Priest has this burden
He,thinks,the right thing,to say
Amid all the honour
He sees,the working one,to share
Since chils is an angel
The duty,the one card prepare
(Come and play circus games
Come and play at circus games)

Jury is a ganbler
The wager,the one card to play
Judge has this burden
He tells,the wrong one,to pay
Amid all the honour
He puts,the wrong one,to trial
Since child is an angel
No jury,but one card,so vile
(Come and play circus games
Come and play at circus games)

Mother is a gambler
The wager,the one card to play
Birth has this burden
She says,no children,today
Midst all dishonour
She sees a heavenly noose
Since child is an angel
The mother,the one child,set loose

Come and play circus games
Come and play at circus games

   Žestoke rock gitare podstiču pulsirajuće synthesizere.Uvod me (prilično) podseća na 'Cleveland Rocks',Ian Huntera ali nemam sa tim problem.Tekst govori o ljudima koji prave greške a sledeće generacije za to plaćaju,pa otuda i simpatičan dečiji hor u refrenu.

недеља, 20. децембар 2020.



We're only making plans for Nigel 
We only want what's best for him 
We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel just needs that helping hand 

And if young Nigel says he's happy 
He must be happy 
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work 

We're only making plans for Nigel 
He has his future in a British steel 
We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah 

And if young Nigel says he's happy 
He must be happy 
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work 

Nigel is not outspoken 
But he likes to speak 
And loves to be spoken to (in his world)
Nigel is happy in his work (in his world)
Nigel is happy in his work (in his world)

We're only making plans for Nigel 
We only want what's best for him 
We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel just needs this helping hand 

And if young Nigel says he's happy 
He must be happy 
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work 

We're only making plans for Nigel 
We only want what's best for him 
We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel just needs this helping hand 

We're only making plans for Nigel 
He has his future in a British steel 
Steel, steel, steel, steel, steel, yeah yeah

We're only making plans for Nigel 
Nigel, Nigel, Nigel, Nigel
Nigel, Nigel, Nigel, Nigel
Nigel, Nigel, Nigel, Nigel
Nigel, Nigel, Nigel, Nigel
 Tipičan otkačeni art pop XTC.Pesmu je napisao basista banda Colin Moulding i autobiografskog je karaktera.Govori o roditeljima koji budućnost svog sina vide u British Steelu,gurajući momka u dosadan,jednoličan (ali siguran!) život.

субота, 19. децембар 2020.



The perfect sphere, 
A star
My crystal vase, 
Calling, calling, calling you,
Solar?s calling
Calling, calling, calling you
Tell me can you hear me?
Are lasers interfering?
Can you hear me?
Calling, calling, calling, calling

I?m calling you,
I?m calling you,
(It?s Ieya,)
I am Solar
So you?re the prefect sphere?
A star,
I?m a beast, the shiny beast
Mate me, the beast
I am Solar
I?m the beast

The beast of the jungle, 
The beast of the street,
Mate me, 
Fear me
Fear the beast
My metals are shining
The serpent screams
Fear the beast
Fear me I?m the beast
I?m the beast

Can you hear me?
I?m calling you
I am Solar
Zion, Zuberon, Necronomicon
Zion Zuberon, 
I am Solo
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Zion, Zuberon, Necronomicon
(chhhh, t?k chhhh, t?k)
Zion, Zuberon, 
Na, na na na, hey debouch
(chhhh, t?k chhhh, t?k, chhhh, t?k )
Na na na na, hey debouch
Zion Zuberon
Zion Zuberon
Zion Zuberon
Zion Zuberon
Zion Zuberon
Zion Zuberon
Na na na na hey, de-boch
(chhhh, t?k chhhh, t?k, chhhh, t?k )

Zion Zuberon, Say Solar
Zion Zuberon, I am the Solar


IEYA započinje sa divnim električnim klavirom,da bi se razvila u moćnu stvar sa konstantnim beatom bubnjeva i klavijaturnim dekorima.Pesma je tako upečatljiva i noseća,sa dominantnom Toyah koja izvodi vokalne akrobacije.Kada se ovako nešto čuje,onda se shvata zašto je new wave faza rocka bila neophodna.

среда, 16. децембар 2020.



Read about Seymour yesterday
In the news that found it's way
To where i sleep and seek to be
Where i am,i hear,i see

Read about Seymour in my mind
Window stacks across the blinds
The lightning tower on Pyre Hill
I wonder where i'll found my fill

Don't Look Out!Don't Look Out!...

Read about Seymour,look my way
Feel him near day after day
All cutlass and alone,alas
The spirit sank like mourning glass

Read about Seymour yesterday
In the news that found it's way
To where i sleep and seek to be
Where i am,i hate to see

Don't look out!Don't look out!...

   Predivna jednostavnost DIY punka.Utelovljenje DIY estetike,pesma je zbrkana,raskomadana i haotična,gitarske linije preklapaju jedna drugu u tandemu sa neskladnim vokalom koji daje izjavu o namerama braće Godfrey i njihovih ortaka iz benda,namerama koje će u potpunosti biti realizovane na njihovom debitantskom LPu.

уторак, 15. децембар 2020.



The girls won't touch me cause i've got a misdirection
Living at night isn't helping my complexion
The signs all saying it's a social infection
A little bit of fun's never been an insurrection

Mom threw me out 'till i get some pants that fit
She just won't approve of my strange kind of wit
I get so excited,i always gotta lose it
Men that send me off made me take the cure

D-d-don't need a cure...
Need a final solution
I don't need a cure
D-d-don't need a cure...
Need a final solution

Buy me a ticket to a sonic reduction
Guitars gonna sound like a nuclear destruction
Seems i'm a victim of natural selection
Meet me on the other side,another direction

D-d-don't need a cure...
Need a final solution... 

Pesma koja Uništava i ponovo stvara svoje slušaoce.Svet koji napuštate da bi čuli ovu pesmu nije svet u koji se vraćate kada se ona završi posle pet minuta (samo pet minuta?).I destruktivna i stvaralačka,možete joj se vraćati ponovo,i ponovo,i ponovo,hipnotički slušajući Laughnerov gitarski rad,Ravenstineove synthesizere i bolan i snažan Thomasov vokal.

субота, 12. децембар 2020.

Agnes Obel


     Trenutno stanovnik Berlina,rodjena Dankinja,klasično školovan pijanist,kompozitor i pevačica sa elegantnim i elastičnim glasom,Agnes Obel predstavlja svoj staloženi i melanholični 'chamber pop'.Njena muzika poseduje kinematografsku atmosferičnost i specifičnu Skandinavsku auru.Prepoznatljiva mešavina klasike,popa,jazza i electronske muzike donela joj je uspeh u Evropi zahvaljujući izuzetno snažnim albumima 'Philharmonics' i 'Aventine'.
     Njeno ambiciozno izdanje iz 2016,album 'Cizizen Of Glass',uvelo je u njenu muziku avetinjsku elektroniku,modulator glasa i prastari synthesizer nasvan Trautonium.Ovim ostvarenjem postiže zapažen uspeh i sa druge strane Atlantika.
     Poslednji album,'Myopia',potpuno sama je realizovala 2020 i na njemu predstavlja novo poglavlje u svojoj karijeri,potpuno se udaljavajući od zvuka sa prva dva albuma.

Philharmonics  (PIAS,2010)

Aventine  (PIAS,2013)

Citizen Of Glass  (PIAS,2016)

Myopia  (Strange Harvest Ltd,2020)

...in coms

петак, 11. децембар 2020.

IT'S ALIVE : John Cale


     'Sabotage' je neka vrsta sirovog i surovog homage-a ratnom biznisu (bez pravdanja i bez ideologije):''I did some work in Zaire,the jolly old Belgian Congo/...I'm just another soldier boy looking for work'',peva Cale u 'Mercenaries (Ready For War)'.Caleovom zaslugom protagonista većine pesama je više od koljački nastrojenog oportuniste - slomljenog scrca i tela,pakleno prilagodjen ritmovima globalne dezintegracije,što ga čini još opasnijom personom.
     Caleovi prethodni albumi su prilagodili njegov umetnički eksperimentalizam punku i new waveu,dok je lirski ostao veran klasičnom romantuzmu.'Sabotage',sa svojim olujnim gitarskim naletima i teškim,borilačkim tempom,deluje pomalo zastarelo u odnosu na ranija ostvarenja.Ipak,disonantna naslovna numera,sramežljiva i enigmatična 'Only Time Will Tell',vesela i suptilna 'Dr.Mudd',čine ga vrednim slušanja.
     I na kraju stihovi iz završne numere 'Chorale':''And the code of the living,and the code of the dead/Hand in hand,from the beginning to the end'',završavaju album i shvatam da mnoge Caleove vizije postaju udarne vesti u budućnosti.

Sabotage/Live  (SPV/IRS,1979)

...in coms

среда, 9. децембар 2020.



Some said i was a freak
I am a freak
They said i was weak
I am a freak
They said i was in-com-plete
I am a freak

Hey,i got the eyes of a man that's being cut
I got the view of a rat king's son
I guess i'm new and i don't know what to do
I'll judge you fine in my mind in my...

I'm cracking up,icracking up...

One said i was a priest
I am a priest
They said i was least
I am a priest
They said i was in-com-plete
I am a priest
I am a freak

I'm cracking up,cracking up...
We're cracking up,cracking up...

'Cracking Up' je sjajna pesma,od početnog rifa a la Duane Eddy,preko pomahnitalih udaraljki,pa sve do mračnih piano tonova na kraju.Bukvalno predstavlja poziv u pomoć,dokumentujući razlaz medju braćom Reid i Williamovo mentalno stanje.

уторак, 8. децембар 2020.



I'm sitting in this cell for somethig i didn't do
And all i can think of is baby i think of you
Don't worry baby,coming back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout...

Now i've got the chance i didn't care about what you do
When i done them things,i done them just for you
And now i'm getting out coming back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout...

Well now i'm over the wall,i'm nearly home
I'm going through that door,coming back for you
Now i'm nearly home,nearly back with you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout...

'Borstal Breakout' je stravičan komad cockney žestine koja još uvek zvuči sveže i uzbudljivo.Jimmy Pursey na vrhuncu,okružen režućim akordima,navijačkim,urlajućim pratećim vokalima i moćnim bubnjevima!

недеља, 6. децембар 2020.



     Bobbyteens su neka vrsta trash/garage supergrupe iz San Francisca.Njihove pesme su retko duže od dva minuta a glavni im je prioritet rock'n'roll energija.Oni koji vole ovakvu vrstu muzike reći će da muzika Bobbyteens liči na pomahnitalog Chuck Berrya,odsvirano sa amaterskim elanom.Oni koji ih ne vole reći će da Bobbyteens sviraju traljavo,falš pevaju,produkcija užasna...iako su ove kritike na mestu,one ignorišu važnu stvar:iskrenost belih klinaca zatrovanih rock'n'rollom.Grupe kao što su Supercharger,Mummies ili Trashwomen,sjajno pokazuju da bukvalno svako može da svira rock,ali samo srcem i ako ima šta da kaže.
     Russell Quan je svirao u Mummies a Tina 'Boom Boom' Lucchesi i Danielle Pimm u Trashwomen.Po raspadu ovih bendova,udružili su se,pronašli gitaristu Lisu Schenberg i,1996,Bobbytens su rodjeni.
     Undrground super-grupa je krenula u život sa serijom singlova za male,nezavisne izdavače.Muzika nastavlja tamo gde su njihovi raniji bandovi stali:drska zbrka klasičnih girl-group jadikovki.Uticaj Runaways je očigledan,ali stil i osećaj Bobbyteens sežu još dalje,u šezdesete i povezuju ih sa sastavima kao što je Shangri-Las,samo uz mnooogo više buke,feedbacka i distorzije.
     Na svojim albumima (tri,koliko je meni poznato) Bobbyteens glorifikuju životni stil neukroćene mladosti,iako su svi članovi već bili zagazili u tridesete godine života.
     Možda muzika Bobbyteens nije za izbirljive,ali nema boljeg soundtracka za laganu vožnju centrom grada tokom trodnevnog pijanstva.

Fast Livin' & Rock'n'Roll  (Lipstick,1998)

Not So Sweet  (Screaming Apple,2000)

Cruisin' For A Bruisin'  (Screaming Apple,2004)

     ...in coms

субота, 5. децембар 2020.

Rubella Ballet


     Rubella Ballet su 1979 osnovali Sid Ation,Zillah Minx,Pete Fender i Gem Stone (brat i sestra,Dan i Gemma Sanson).Band je nastao na čuvenom Crass nastupu u Conwey Hallu,kada su Crass pozvali publiku da uzmu njihovu opremu i završe koncert.Sid je seo za bubnjeve,Zillah je preuzela mikrofon a Pet i Gem,gitaru i bas.Mogu misliti kako je to zvučalo,ali u svakom slučaju,ovaj 'nastup' je označio pojavu raznovrsnosti u prilično uniformnoj anarcho sceni.
     Dok je bio u Rubella Ballet,Sid je povremeno bubnjao i za Flux Of Pink Indians.Rubella Ballet i Flux Of Pink Indians su često svirali zajedno,pa se dešavalo da Sid svira iste večeri u obadva banda.Kasnije se Ation definitivno opredelio za Rubella Ballet.
     Grupa je postala poznata po svojim psihodeličnim live nastupima na kojima su koristili (obilno) UV svetla,strobe light,dim i ostale raznorazne scenske efekte.Muzika koju su svirali je bila takodje inovativna,i u njoj su mešali punk,tribal,dance i psihodeliju,stvarajući specifičan stil.

Ballet Bag+Peel Sessions  (Dark Entries,2017)

At Last Its Playtime  (Ubiquitous,1985)

Arctic Flowers 12"  (Ubiquitous,1986)

If  (Ubiquitous,1986)

At The End Of The Rainbow  (Brave,1990)

links in...

петак, 4. децембар 2020.



White riot,i wanna riot
White riot,a riot on my own...

Black man got a lotta problems
But they don't mind throwin' a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be real thick

Everybody's doin'
Just what they're told to
And nobody wants
To go to jail!

White riot,i wanna riot
White riot,a riot on my own...

All the power's in the hands
Of the people rich enough ti buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it

   Strummer predstavlja svoje mišljenje da bi mladi belci trebalo da izraze svoje neslaganje sa tiranskom vladom kao što to i mladi crnci rade;demonstracijama i protestima.
    Prvi singl za Clash je snažna,brutalno surova numera i verovatno najkontraverznija pesma banda.

уторак, 1. децембар 2020.



Why must you record my phone calls?
Are you planning a bootleg LP?
Said you've been threatened by gangsters
Now it's you,that's threating me

Can't find corruption with con tricks
They use the law to commit crime
And i dread,dread to think what the future will bring
When we're living in gangster time

(Don't call me Scarface)

Don't interrupt while i'm talking
Or they'll confiscate all your guitars
Catch 22 says if i sing the truth
They won't make me an overnight star

Don't offer us legal protection
They use the law to commit crime
I dread to think what the future'll bring
When we're living in real gangster times

(Bernie Rhodes know,don't argue!)

   Dok vas njiše melodični bas i dok vas ritam vodi putem totalnog opuštanja i zabave,opijaće vas taj čudni zvuk gitare,minimalističkih klavijatura i glasa koji poziva na igru.
   Pa ako male stvare čine život lepim,budite čovek i odlučite da budete srećni.Specials će vam biti odskočna daska za start u novom poglavlju vašeg života.Okrenite list i uživajte!

Daphne Guinness

       Tokom svoje karijere Daphne se bavuila raznim stvarima: glumica, filmski producent, dizajner, pevačica...Što se muzike tiče, mentor j...